When Should I Sell My Home? | Stratton Real Estate Group

There are many reasons to sell your home, which means there are many times you can choose to do so. Your personal goals and financial situation should be considered when deciding to sell.

Why Sell?

If you're thinking about selling your home, there are several reasons why.

  • You want to buy a new home. This is perhaps the most common reason for selling your existing property and moving on to something else. For example, if you've outgrown the space in your current house or apartment and need more room for yourself and/or family members (or pets), then this may be an ideal time for selling so that you can find something more suitable for all of you. Likewise, if there has been an improvement in finances since moving into the current residence (for example: having children means needing more bedrooms), then selling could be beneficial now rather than later--especially if prices go up after buying another place!

  • You need more space but don't know where it will come from yet; therefore "selling first" seems like the best option right now rather than waiting until something else happens down the road somewhere else which could take a while before happening too late already since time passes faster every day."

When Should I Sell?

When it comes to selling your home, several factors can affect your decision and timing.

  • When you have reached your personal goals. If you are ready for a change and want to move on from this chapter in life, then now may be the time!

  • When you need to move into a new home. Maybe you're having another baby or expanding your family size. Or maybe it's just time for something bigger with more space? The point is: if you want something different from what you currently have, then now might be the perfect opportunity!

  • When there is enough equity built in (and/or low interest rates). Equity refers to how much money remains after subtracting what's owed on mortgages and other debts against property value; high levels of equity mean less risk when buying another property because not as much cash will need upfront payment during closing costs - which means less out-of-pocket expenses overall!

There are many reasons to sell your home, which means there are many times you can choose to do so. Your personal goals and financial situation should be considered when deciding to sell.

The market will play a major role in your decision to sell. If the housing market is hot, it may be smart to sell now while prices are high and interest rates are low. On the other hand, if interest rates are rising or the market has cooled off considerably since you bought your home, waiting might be best for you.

When determining when to sell your house there are also personal considerations that should be taken into account: Are you planning on moving soon? Is this home going to be too small or large once family members move out? Do they want their own space so they can start their own lives? Or do they prefer living together under one roof as long as possible? These questions could help determine whether now is right for selling out of necessity rather than just convenience


The decision to sell your home can be a difficult one, but it's important to remember that there are many times when you can choose to do so. The most important thing is to consider your personal goals and financial situation before making any selling decisions.

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