When Is It Time to Sell Your Home? | Stratton Real Estate Group

When is the right time to sell your home? Sometimes, we feel ready to sell our homes when we weren't even looking at real estate listings before. Other times, it's obvious that the timing of a move is right—because the kids have grown up and moved out or because you've moved up in your job and need more space. But there are times when it can be difficult to tell if now is the right time for you to sell your house and move on with your life.

In this article, I'll explore some ways that you might be able to tell if now is the right time for you to make that big decision about selling your home.

Have a Plan for What to Do After You Sell Your Home

When you are considering selling your home, it is important to be prepared for what comes next. Though there are many reasons why people sell their homes, the most common one is that they need more space or cannot afford their current homes anymore.

To get ready for this transition and make the most of it, think about how you will use the money from selling your house. If you plan on using it as a down payment on another house, then having an idea of where you want to live and how much money you need should be at the top of your list so that there aren't any surprises when it comes time to buy another place.

If there isn't a specific place in mind but instead just an amount that would allow flexibility in deciding where exactly we would like our next home base (or bases) to be located then maybe start thinking about some other things that might affect which city or state makes sense financially: like proximity between schools/colleges attended by kids; whether there's access nearby places where hobbies can be pursued (eagle watching anyone?).

Is There Something About the Home That Is Preventing You From Enjoying It?

Is there something about the home that is preventing you from enjoying it? The size of a home can be an issue, especially if you've outgrown it. There are many reasons why people may want to sell their homes and downsize. It's an exciting time in life when someone decides to move into a smaller home, but it can also be difficult to adjust if you've lived in one house for several years or more. Here are a few things to consider:

  • Is the house too small for your needs? If so, list all of your current frustrations with the home and figure out what kind of place would best serve them now and in the future.

  • Are there any rooms that don't get used as often as others? Do they have any purpose other than being space fillers? If so, consider selling those areas separately from your primary residence (i.e., selling one room at a time).

Are You Thinking About Relocating to Another Neighborhood, City, or State?

If you're thinking about relocating to another neighborhood, city, or even state, then it may be time to sell your home. There are many reasons why people move in their lifetime—family, work, and changing interests are just a few. But often the move is prompted by the desire for change or new opportunities. If this is the case for you and your family, selling your existing home can provide funds for purchasing a new home in another location.

The Cost of Maintenance Is More Than You Want to Spend

When the cost of maintenance is more than you want to spend.

If your home needs major repairs, or if it just needs frequent minor fixes, then this might be an indication that it’s time to sell. If a repair will cost more than what you can sell your home for, then it doesn't make sense to do the work.

The value of your property has decreased since buying it

If the value of your property has decreased since buying it and you don't plan on moving anytime soon, then selling may be a good option. If other factors could cause a decrease in value such as crime rates or lack of transportation options nearby, then selling might be less stressful than waiting until those issues improve.

Do You Have an Emotional Attachment to the House Itself (As Opposed to Your Street, the Neighborhood, How Close It Is to Work, Etc.)?

When you have an emotional attachment to the house itself (as opposed to your street, the neighborhood, how close it is to work, etc.), you may feel like you can't leave. But sometimes that's exactly what needs to happen. Consider whether any of these things apply:

  • Are there memories of the home?

  • Are you worried about taking such a huge step?

  • How long have you lived in this home? Did it take some time for friends and family members to come around when they visited? Did they ever criticize your decorating choices or say anything negative about the way it looked on social media posts? If so, then getting rid of those items might feel like letting go of a part of yourself

Has Your Life Changed Significantly Enough for New Surroundings to Be a Good Idea?

Have you changed jobs, gotten married, or had a child? These are all significant life events that may lead you to feel the need for a home that better suits your new lifestyle. For example, if you got married recently and moved in with your spouse and their family, it might be time for both of you to get rid of some of the clutter from each person's old place and start fresh in one house together.

The same goes if one partner has already been living with their parents while they were dating. Now that they're married, they're probably ready to move out into their place as well—and there's nothing wrong with wanting new things after making such an important commitment!

If there's just too much space available at both houses (or if one feels like there isn't enough), then maybe selling one house would be best for everyone involved: It could save money on utilities while also freeing up more time to spend together as a couple now that they don't have two separate places where they need to be every day.

Has the Homes Value Increased Enough That Selling It Makes Sense Financially?

Have you ever wondered if your home has increased in value? How much is it worth now compared to when you bought it? If so, here are some questions you can ask yourself as you determine whether or not selling makes sense:

  • What was the price of my home when I purchased it?

  • How much did I pay for my home to other homes on the market at the time (the list price)?

  • What is the current asking price for similar homes in my neighborhood today, and how does this compare with what they were being sold for years ago when I bought mine?

  • Is there more room around me than there was before -- maybe new construction nearby has made some of our neighbors move away -- which means that people may want what we have even more now because they don't have any choice left except us!

Is There Something About You or Your Situation That Is Preventing You From Enjoying the Home or Doing What You Would Like to Do With It as Much as Possible?

  • Is there something about you or your situation that is preventing you from enjoying the home or doing what you would like to do with it as much as possible?

  • Are there health issues that make it difficult to maintain the house?

  • Have family grown and moved out of state, but still want to keep a beach house where they can visit in summer.

  • Are retired and looking forward to relocating to a warmer climate year-round.

Sometimes We Find Ourselves Feeling Ready to Sell Our Home When We Weren’t Even Looking At Real Estate Listings Before.

Sometimes we find ourselves feeling ready to sell our home when we weren't even looking at real estate listings before. Maybe you've fallen in love with your new home, or maybe it's time for a change of scenery and nothing is keeping you from leaving the house behind.

Maybe it's time for some new adventures! Or maybe things have changed so much since you first bought this place that it doesn't feel like yours anymore; maybe it's just not working out. If any of these sound like something that might be happening to you right now, then don't worry—there are ways to get back on track with selling your home and finding something new to do with yourself!


It can be a difficult decision to make, but if you find yourself asking these questions and feeling ready to sell your home, then it may be time. You deserve to live in a place that is comfortable and enjoyable for you and your family.

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