Taking Care of Homes with Pools | Stratton Real Estate Group

Pool season is here, and it's time to get your pool ready for the summer. While pools are a lot of fun, they can be dangerous if not properly maintained or cleaned. Here are some tips on how to keep your pool safe and clean:

Pool Cleaning

To keep your pool clean, you need to know how often it should be cleaned. The answer depends on a lot of factors. For example, if you have a small pool and only use it once or twice a week, then once per month may be enough for this type of cleaning. If you have a larger backyard with many friends over regularly, then weekly cleaning may be necessary.

It's also important to consider what kind of chemicals are used in the water and how they affect its pH levels as well as other aspects like hardness or acidity (or alkalinity). These things can change over time depending on how much chlorine is added during each cleaning session--and these things will affect how often your filter needs replacing!

Pool Maintenance

Pool maintenance is an important part of owning a pool. If you don't maintain your pool, it can become dirty and unsafe. You will also lose money by not maintaining your pool properly because people won't want to buy it if they think it's dirty or unsafe.

Here are some tips on how to keep your pool clean:

  • Cleaning - Every week, scoop out leaves and debris from the surface of the water with a net or skimmer brush; use a leaf rake for large amounts of debris (like pine needles). Also, vacuum up any dirt that has settled into cracks between tiles or stones with an attachment on your vacuum cleaner hose. Use chlorine tabs or liquid chlorine bleach as needed to disinfect surfaces after cleaning them with water from above--this way there's no chance of getting chemicals into people's eyes if they splash around too much while swimming! Don't forget about vacuuming those filters too!

Pools are great, but they need some care.

A pool is a great addition to any home. It can add value, be fun and relaxing, and provide family memories that will last forever. But it also requires some maintenance and cleaning to keep things running smoothly.


Pools are a great addition to any home, but they do require some upkeep. If you want your pool to be safe and enjoyable for everyone, it's important that you keep it clean and well-maintained.

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