Pricing Your Home to Sell | Stratton Real Estate Group

The best way to sell your home is by doing research and understanding the market. In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of determining what price you need to list at for your home.

Value Is Determined by How Much Someone Is Willing to Pay for a Home, Not How Much It Costs to Build or Buy.

Value is determined by how much someone is willing to pay for a home, not how much it costs to build or buy.

You may have heard the saying "The best real estate agent is the one who sells your house." This applies because they know what buyers are looking for and can help you find the right buyer for your property. They also know what price range will work best for you to sell quickly and get top dollar for your home.

The Most Important Factors in Determining Value Are Location and Condition.

The most important factors in determining value are location and condition.

Location is the neighborhood, city, or town where your home is located. Location can be described as either rural (out in the country), suburban (outside of an urban area), or urban (in or near an urban center).

Condition refers to how well kept up your house is compared with other homes in its area. This includes things like whether it needs new carpeting or paint; if there are any major repairs needed; if there are any missing appliances or fixtures; if there are cracks in walls from settling over time; etc..

Size of lot refers to how much land comes with each property i.e. its size relative to other properties on sale in your area right now - i.e.: large vs. small lots.

Homes in High-Demand Areas Are Worth More Than Homes in Less Desirable Areas.

The location of your home is a key factor in determining its value. Homes in high-demand areas are worth more than homes in less desirable areas, and this can be seen clearly when you look at recent sales data for similar houses.

If you're looking to sell your home and want to know what kind of price range you should expect, start by researching the average sale price of homes that have recently been purchased or sold nearby. The best way to do this is by visiting websites like Zillow or Trulia which provide real estate market statistics for specific zip codes or neighborhoods based on recent sales activity. These sites will show you which neighborhoods had the highest number of sales over the past year (which indicates popularity), as well as how much those homes sold for on average--which gives us our benchmark figures!

A Home That Has Been Remodeled, Updated, and Maintained Will Sell for More Than an Identical House That Hasn’t Been Renovated.

A home that has been remodeled, updated, and maintained will sell for more than an identical house that hasn't been renovated. It's important to keep the home in good condition while you live there so that when it comes time to sell, you can get the most money possible out of your investment.

One of the best ways to increase your property value is by renovating it--but before you start pulling up carpets or tearing down walls, make sure this is something your buyer will appreciate! If there are no plans for major renovations (like adding a second story), then consider small updates like painting rooms or replacing light fixtures with ones with a modern feel instead of traditional ones as well as installing new carpeting throughout the house if needed; these things may not seem like much at first glance but they can add up quickly when combined into one package deal!

When looking at homes being sold currently on the market within our area here in Atlanta Ga., I noticed many homeowners who have recently renovated their properties using these types of techniques mentioned above ended up receiving higher prices than those who didn't bother doing anything at all."

Factors Like the Size of Your Lot and Its Condition Can Reduce the Value of Your Home by 15% Or More on Average.

The size of your lot can have a big impact on your home's value. In general, larger lots are more desirable than smaller ones because they allow for more space and privacy. However, if you have an unusually large lot (for example, one that's over half an inch wide), it may be less valuable than other homes that are similar in all other ways but have smaller yards. That's because prospective buyers will be more likely to pass up on this property. After all, they don't want anything that would require them to spend extra money on maintenance or repairs later on down the road--and they won't want it enough to justify paying extra just so they can have their acreage!

Make Sure You Know What Your Home Is Worth Before You List It for Sale

If you want to sell your home, you must have a good idea of its value. You can do this by getting an appraisal from a professional appraiser or hiring an independent real estate agent who is familiar with the local market. If possible, get multiple estimates so that you can compare them and see which one makes sense to you.

If there is no comparable data available for homes similar to yours (for example because they were built recently), then consider consulting with other sources such as Zillow or Redfin to get some idea about whether or not your home might be overpriced based on its condition and location relative to other similar properties in the area.


In the end, it's important to remember that your house is worth what someone is willing to pay for it. If you're planning on selling soon and want to know how much more money you could get by renovating or remodeling your home, we'd love to help! Contact us today so we can discuss all of your options together.

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